Terms of Use of the Service
This document describes the terms of use for the DANAconnect service (from now on “DANAconnect”), which sets out the rights of the user (henceforth “the user”) and limits the scope of responsibility of DANAconnect Corp derived from the use of our service.
By registering on “DANAconnect”, the user agrees to understand, accept and comply with the following clauses:
About DANAconnect
“DANAconnect” is Software as a service (Saas), used by companies to facilitate and simplify day-to-day communications with their customers. It is composed of different modules, such as: Outgoing Communications Manager, Contact Manager, Document Manager and Incoming Communications Manager.
The service is commonly used to: send marketing campaigns, collections, security alerts and customer satisfaction surveys.
Use of the service
The services provided by DANAconnect must be used only for honest and lawful purposes. Therefore, the following are not allowed:
- The use of DANAconnect for any type of illegal activity.
- The use of DANAconnect to send unsolicited messages or SPAM.
- The use of the platform to enter links or URL that direct to websites with unlawful content, or that incite violence or hatred.
- The reference or storage of pornographic material and related content.
- The reference or storage of illegally acquired materials.
- The reference or storage of files or content that incite violence or hatred.
The accounts without any activity for the last six months will be automatically deleted, under the assumption that they are no longer in use. The information on the account will be lost (communications, contact lists and reports).
Responsibilities of the user for the services of DANAconnect
The user is responsible for any activity generated from his or her DANAconnect account.
Once the user starts any activity on the platform, there will be only one administrator account, which will be composed of one username and one password, and the user is responsible for keeping his or her password updated, as well as taking responsibility for its confidentiality and the account use.
The user takes full responsibility for any material or file uploaded to his or her website, as well as the links that are included there, and on their communications.
E-mail privacy
Emails are protected by the secrecy of communications and therefore are not monitored by DANAconnect. However, DANAconnect, as part of the recurring tasks of reviewing the servers, can access various statistics associated to sent and received emails, including the addresses of the sender and recipients.
DANAconnect, for the integrity and functioning of the services, will be able to access the content of the emails stored on the server in case of:
- Technical issues or support request and authorized by the client.
- Sending emails that do not comply with the terms of service.
The company will not disclose the accessed content under any circumstance, except at the request of legal procedures.
Anti-SPAM Policy
The sending of unsolicited messages:
On DANAconnect it is absolutely prohibited to send unwanted messages through these channels: email, SMS, phone calls or Push notifications or any other channel that has not been authorized by the recipient.
SPAM is understood as those unsolicited messages by the recipient. The information shared through these communications is for the most part advertising content; however, it is not limited to only that. There are many other types of communications that are shared without authorization, among them: political, religious, containing unlawful content related to threats or crimes, suspicious or with misleading titles, etc.
The users of the platform that violate this policy may be subject to fines, as well as the evaluation of a possible domain block associated with the report and/or suspension of the service.
The sending of messages to illegally acquired contact lists:
SPAM is also understood as sending messages to contact lists that have been: bought, rented, not confirmed by the user, that belong to other companies of the same consortium, older than five years old, with more than 10% of non-existent mailboxes, among others.
In these cases, the system will automatically suspend those campaigns that exceed 10% of messages bouncing in the delivery. By bouncing we refer to those e-mails that for different reasons have been rejected by the destination server. If bouncing exceeds 10% of the total delivery, the system will automatically suspend the delivery and the user will be able to see the alarm within the communication report where the reason for suspending the campaign is specified.
In the event that the user exceeds 10% of messages bouncing for the second time, DANAconnect may submit the case to evaluation and, depending on the diagnosis, the suspension of the service and/or the termination of the service may be feasible.
Complying with the laws and regulations of every country, state, and industry
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the use of DANAconnect is in compliance with the laws and regulations that apply. Therefore, the user must determine whether he or she is subject to comply with obligations under any regulation, such as HIPAA, GLB, Privacy of EU data (including the Data Protection Regulation) and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America. If the user is subject to regulations (such as HIPAA) and uses DANAconnect, then DANAconnect will not be responsible if the requirements are not met.
Changes to this Terms of Use of the Service
We reserve the right to make changes to this Terms of Use of the Service. The last update was done on 11 May 2018.