Gives autonomy to non-technical users

Allows users to load dynamic content from customer databases to be integrated into automated flows through a simple web interface in a collaborative environment.

Connects the real world with the virtual world of your customers

Creates flows that can be triggered by customer behaviors, by webservices, by IoT, by bots, by applications, core systems and more.

Multiple steps and multiple channels combined

The user decides and manages the perfect combination of waiting times, events, filters, triggers and then sends a flow via SMS, email, push, calls, WhatsApp and chatbot, adapting to the business needs.

Total integration with other modules

It integrates perfectly with other modules to create automatic flows that use customer’s personal data to deliver communications in the most effective way and knowing the most efficient channel.

Iterative flows triggered by customer behaviors

DANAconnect gives you the tools for creating intelligent flows so that customers that open messages have follow-up according to the interest they show and the content they click. Customers that don’t open their messages have another type of tracking, using alternative channels, while automation continues iterating until your communication arrives.

Email Content Editor

  • Email content visual designer
  • Dynamic labeling with personal contact information.
  • Pre-designed templates and easy-to-use web design tools.
  • Attach documents with a single click.
  • Spam Score Analyzer
  • Easy one click testing for a single contact.

Rich SMS content editor

  • SMS message text editor
  • User-friendly HTML editor for rich SMS content
  • Dynamic content with customer’s personal information
  • Add attachments with one click
  • Enable short URLs with one click

Real time metrics

  • Real time opened and bounced email Reports
  • Geolocation
  • Reading preferences, schedule, channels and devices customer preferences
  • Emails Opened and clicks on links reports

Automated flows that respond to your business needs

High traceability transactional flows, integrated with multiple applications, combining multiple channels to guarantee the delivery of your communications to the client.

Easy configuration for compliance with regulations

  • Automatic unsubscribe
  • Control of sending schedules.
  • Holidays schedule and not allowed days.
  • Maximum number of messages per contact.
  • Blacklists management.
  • Historical storage with managed time slots.

Streamline Your Customer Communications

Eliminate manual processes end-to-end